Thursday, June 05, 2008


From an old Iowa case:

Plaintiff is a widow living alone. She has no family. Her exact age does not appear but a former employee of defendants and a favorite dancing instructor of plaintiff testified "that during the period from 1957 through the fall of 1960 she was 68 years old."

Syester v. Banta, 257 Iowa 613 (Iowa 1965).

Now that's pretty amazing.


Chantalita said...

haha - beautiful logic.

Crutches said...

Maybe she was a leap year baby and was really 272 conventional, calendar years old. How would it be to be taking dancing lessons at 272 yrs old!?!

Meg said...

Hey Cindy! It's our anniversary. We met 10 years ago this month. Can you believe it's been that long?