Sunday, December 16, 2007

more helpful advice

Dear Walmart,

You know how you've got that goal of having the worst customer service in the universe? Well, I've got an idea for you. Instead of hiring people who are brain dead, you should start staffing your stores with people who are actually dead. It's true that they would be no more apathetic than your current employees, but they would be a little bit slower, so that's a plus. And you'd be saving money at the same time. I really think it would suit your business practices very well. Give it some thought.


A Disgruntled Customer


Meg said...

That would be really great for Halloween. :)

Anonymous said...

I think you may be on to something. Walmart could break into the life insurance business! The only difference would be that rather than actually paying benefits to your beneficiaries directly upon death, they would offer you a job. If you fail to show up and work, they wouldn't pay anything.

Adam said...

I like Wal-mart about as much as I like 80 year old midriffs.